Objective Forex: Long term super stocks

Long term super stocks

We're finally showcasing our long term super stocks, a basket of different tickers that are estimated by us to generate the best possible risk-adjusted return, in other words. The safest. We aim for a managed return of 15% per year.

These are the stocks you want to hold for as long as possible to extract maximum value and are perfectly geared towards retirement accounts. These stocks have been selected based on an incredible amount of variables and information available to us. The SPY ETF is included. Written by ObjectiveForex on 4/7/16

2023 Update: Wow, I'm glad to see this one is still a great fund to be a part of, I hope many of you have used the Long Term Super Stocks!

Return since inception (4/7/16): +281.88%(16.85%  per yr)
$100,000 ---> $381,882.10
(updated 11/13/2024)

This fund will be weighted by 10% for each asset
Rebalanced for 10% for each asset and 20% for GOOG

Notice: TNH (Terra Nitrogen) Announced intent to delist in 2018, and cashed out at $84.033 per share. Our purchase price was $100~ per share. This stock is no longer part of the holdings and is simply removed from the portfolio, although it became liquid at $84.033, this is not reflected in the holdings and is counted as a total loss.

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